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Port Alberni Floating Dry Dock

Jan 3, 2021 | Port Alberni News

Port Alberni Dry Dock Proposal

Port Alberni builds the case for a floating dry dock…

Historically, the City of Port Alberni relied heavily on British Columbia’s forest industry as a mainstay of economic growth. As a shift in that industry signalled a decline in port activity, the Port Alberni Port Authority (PAPA) reacted by investigating the potential of a more diverse maritime industry. Recent new businesses that have been welcomed by Port Alberni, including seafood processors and a bottled water exporter, have improved the market for yet another maritime sector — that of ship building and repair.  The need for expanded facilities to service vessels is a natural next step which has resulted in a proposal for a floating dry dock in Port Alberni.

Constructed in 3 phases total costs are projected to be just under CD$70 million — CD$30.8 million for Section One; and CD$19 million each for Sections Two and Three — with labour representing just over 60 per cent of total expenditures.

With a total 300 meters in length and the ability to accommodate vessels up to 15,000 tonnes (with 24/7 emergency services), the floating dry dock would be one of the largest facilities on the BC coast and an attractive option for both Canadian and U.S. vessels. 

Read the full story:  Association of Pacific Ports


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